WSSA Board Past President Dr. Robert Hsiang (right), WSSA Member Dr. Peter Dunbar (left) and other WSSA leaders (not pictured) had the unique opportunity to meet with U.S. Surgeon General, Vice Admiral Jerome M. Adams, M.D., M.P.H. - and an anesthesiologist by trade (center) this June during his visit to UW School of Public Health.
He delivered a talk on a range of topics, focusing the majority of his discussion on the nation's worsening opioid crisis. He was a regular fixture at the ASA Legislative Conference where this year we had the largest representation from Washington state including four residents, and says we have to advocate for our patients and specialty whether it is through time, or via the PAC so that others can carry out the work.
WSSA's 16 delegates to the ASA Legislative Conference had very productive meetings with the state's Congressional delegation. During the May 13–15 visit, all 12 legislative offices were visited to discuss issues such as Medicare for All, resident student loan debt, brain health, rural pass-through funding, and surprise billing.
Pictured here with Senator Maria Cantwell (Left to Right): Dr. Jacob Gross, WSSA Executive Director Louise Miller, Dr. Sean Kincaid, Dr. Cassie Gabriel, Dr. James Burkman, Dr. Sheena Hembrador, Dr. Stephanie Yang, Dr. Robert Hsiung, Senator Cantwell, Dr. Daniela Alexianu, Dr. Andrew Truella, Dr. Elisa Lund, Dr. Mark Flanery, Dr. Bridget Bush, Dr. Erik Condon, Dr. Trefan Archibald, and Dr. Gary Nissen.

Representative Kim Schrier, newly elected member of Congress from Washington's 8th District, was a keynote speaker at the ASA Legislative Conference. Dr. Schrier is a pediatrician from Issaquah, and is the only female physician currently in Congress and the first pediatrician. Later that day she met with WSSA delegates in her office.